
Ch 7, After Effects

This page contains four exercises taken from Chapter 7, After Effects. The actual chapter in the book contains thirty-six exercises. The exercises in this chapter feature a series of exchanges that is followed by some tactical device that typically results in the win of material or checkmate.

159. White is down a pawn. The count on b6 is 3-2, but one of Black's defenders is a pawn. Note that Black's Bishop on c6 is potentially weak, as it is attacked and defended an equal number of times. Visualize the position after the moves 20 Bxb6 axb6 21 Qxb6+ Qxb6 22 Rxb6+ Ka7 23 Rxc6. What is the material balance?

White is up a solid passed pawn on d6. Visualize the position after the moves 37 Rc8 Rxc81 38 Qxc8+ Qxc8 39 Rxc8+ Kf7 40 Rc72 Ra6 41 Rxd7+. What is the material balance?

The only move. 2 Black resigned here.

The count is 3-2 on c8, but White is leading with his Queen. Visualize the position after the moves 24 Rxc8 Rxc8 25 Qxc8+ Nxc8 26 Rxc8+ Kh7 27 Rh8+1 Kxh8 28 Nxf7+ Kg8 29 Nxd6. What is the material balance?

Black resigned here.

Black has just played 18...f7-f5. Visualize the position after the moves 19 exf6 Nxf6 20 Nxf6+ Bxf6 21 Rxf6 Rxf6 22 Bxf6 Qxg2+1 23 Qxg2 Bxg2+ 24 Kxg2 gxf6. What is the material balance?

This is the best way to meet the dual threat of 23 Qxg7 mate and 23 Bxd8.


159. Segal-Khlgatian, European Junior Championships, 1994.

173. Mohana-Artemieva,
World Youth (Girls 10), 2004.
188. Makarichev-Govashelishvili, USSR
Junior Spartakiad, 1967.
Rahman-Baki, Asian Team Championship, 1987.


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