
Ch 16, Desperado Queens

This page contains four exercises taken from Chapter 16, Desperado Queens. A desperado Queen is one that voluntarily gives herself up for a piece of lesser value. The actual chapter in the book contains 28 exercises.

Visualize the position after the moves 32 Bxf7+ Rxf7 33 Qxf7+ Kxf7 34 Rxc5. What is the material balance?

465. White is up two pawns. Visualize the position after the moves 37 Bd5 Rf5 38 Qd8+ Rf8 39 Qxf8+ Bxf8 40 Bxa21. What is the material balance?

Black resigned here.

477. Visualize the position after the moves 19 Qa4 Nxd4 20 Nxd4 Qxd4 21 Be3 Nb6 22 Qxa7+ Kxa7 23 Bxd4. What is the material balance?

479. Visualize the position after the moves 26 Nxe5 axb41 27 Qxa8 Rxa8 28 Nxd72 Rxa1 29 Nxf6+ Kg7 30 Ne8+ Kh8 31 Rxa1. What is the material balance?

26...Qe7 can be met by 27 bxa5, when 27…Qxe5 loses the exchange to 28 b7. 2 Black resigned here.



453. Smolich-Zhigalko, Belarus Championship (Under 20), Minsk, Belarus, 2006.
465. Aagaard-Rewitz, Denmark
Championship, Group B, 1999.
477. Areshchenko-Ernst,
22nd ECU Club Cup, Feugen, Austria, 2006.
Khmiadashvili-Blagonadezhnaya, XVI Senior Women, Arvier, Italy, 2006..


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